English translation for "cadres from other areas"
- 外来干部
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | These things happened nearly everywhere , mostly because cadres from other areas had land redistributed by administrative orders or redistributed it on behalf of the local people before the people were really aroused and organized and before the majority of peasants really wanted land redistribution 这种情况各地区都差不多,大都是由于当地群众并未真正发动起来和组织起来,大多数农民还没有分配土地的真实要求,而由外来干部用行政命令、包办代替的方法实行分配的结果。 |
- Similar Words:
- "cadren" English translation, "cadres" English translation, "cadres and policeman; police officers" English translation, "cadres and training department" English translation, "cadres at their posts" English translation, "cadres of army level and above" English translation, "cadres of the third echelon" English translation, "cadres stand in the van to" English translation, "cadres training center" English translation, "cadres tribune" English translation